How to mow the perfect lawn (part 2)

How do you cut the grass of a garden lawn?

In the first part we talked about the newly sown meadows. Now let’s talk about all the other types of lawn.

Let’s start by saying that each species of sown lawn has its own cutting height that must be respected.

This means that you will have to be a little careful in choosing the essence planted, especially if you want a very low lawn (3 cm).

Also in “How to mow the perfect lawn (part 1)” we saw that the lawn needs to be mowed often and little.

But let’s see what often means and tie that information to the seasons.


How much and when to mow the lawn depending on the season

In winter, the lawn is not cut, partly because little or nothing grows and partly because the frosts would cause too much damage on the cuts.

However, it must be kept clean by removing dead leaves or other to avoid damage to the underlying grass by creating areas of fungal or bacterial proliferation (similar to the felt effect mentioned in part 1).

The last cut should be made half a centimeter lower and mulching should be avoided by collecting the cut grass.

In spring, starting from the end of the frosts which depends from area to area (so when at night you no longer go below zero) you fertilize – re-sow (if there are empty or yellow patches) if necessary and irrigate. Waits a week and cut it. If you have re-sown you need to wait 3 or 4 weeks before cutting.

The optimal frequency of mowing should be weekly given the numerous rains that make the lawn grow more.

In the summer the lawn is in heat stress so it is advisable not to mow more often than once every 15-20 days.

In autumn it is cut until the frosts begin (which always depends from area to area). Also in this period, given the numerous rains, the recommended cutting frequency is one week.

When it rains or has rained it does not cut itself. Wet grass does not allow a clean cut and the leaf frays greatly increasing the risk of fungal diseases as well as a worse appearance of the lawn – while distinguishing between damp grass and wet grass. A more performing lawnmower helps in extreme cases.

Counting, in northern Italy, the cuts on the previous councils we get to 6 (2 March + 4 April) + 8 (4 May + 4 June) + 4 (2 July + 2 August) + 6 (4 September + 2 October) = 22 cuts / year.


Robot lawn mowers: Prices and considerations

I would therefore like to devote some consideration to the Robot Lawnmowers. It seems that the price varies from 400 to 2500 euros in addition to the accessories.

Thanks to a perimeter wire (which must be purchased and laid) spread over an area, the robot proceeds randomly in that area – a bit like the one at home – then returning to the base once the charge is exhausted.

I think it can be a good solution for medium-large gardens perhaps composed of one-three areas maximum.

The reduction of the time dedicated to cutting would be reduced while taking into account the time required for the management of the robot.

Lawnmowers: the importance of cleaning and maintenance

We will close the article by taking care of the cleaning of the machines used. The blades must always be well sharpened.

Machines should be cleaned of grass, washed and dried to prevent rust on iron parts.

Ordinary maintenance is very important to achieve a more serene day of cutting.


Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and … if you have any questions please write to


Sources of images: lawn mowing-robot, lawn mowing-cleaning lawnmower from; lawn mowing-washing lawnmower from