Vision, Mission and Program of Mondo del Giardino



A strip of land around the house, a small urban garden, a balcony or a terrace full of plants and flowers… Our garden can have many forms, but it certainly does not stop at the threshold of our property: it continues in the landscape outside, through the parks, the tree-lined avenues and the flowerbeds that adorn our cities. Then it continues even further, in the fields, in the woods and even on the edge of the roads that cross our country. The green, which colors the entire Planet, belongs to us all and provides us with the air we breathe: for this reason we must learn to love it and protect it.

With “Mondo del Giardino” we started right here, from our desire to become a point of reference in Italy for the culture of landscape and greenery: a web portal where we share the stories, trends and news that characterize the horticultural and gardening sector, but above all a free and creative space, where everyone can delve with curiosity and be enchanted by the world we tell.



Although it is a well-defined sector, sometimes considered almost niche, the green space is characterized by so many facets that Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, former Executive Secretary of the Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe, defines the list of professions linked to this field as “endless”: land-use planners, urban planners, engineers, landscape architects, architects, agronomist, farmers, foresters, horticulturists, geographers, historians, geologists, climatologists, environmentalists, ecologists, lawyers, economists, sociologists, cultural heritage specialists.

Given this variety of profiles, with “Mondo del Giardino” we want to promote collaboration between different professional figures and contribute to the creation of an ongoing and trusting relationship between customers and suppliers. This is therefore a showcase, in which companies show their products and services, professionals talk about the work they have done and small artisans find visibility, but not only that: our mission is to create a culture of greenery, spreading awareness and knowledge. How? We collaborate with institutions and experts, we deal with topics of theory and design, we participate in conferences, we interview professionals and authors, we read books and magazines, we compile botanical sheets, we inform about events and exhibitions. A 360° space, in which all the protagonists of gardening and landscaping can feel represented and supported.


The target audience of “Mondo del Giardino” is made up of men and women between the ages of 30 and +65: in addition to the many people who own a green space or are passionate about plants and flowers, it also includes a rich network of professionals and design studios, but also institutional entities.

This aspect is further implemented thanks to the creation of a system of relationships with the over 270 historic gardens in Italy, for which we have created the “Italian Visitable Gardens” page and with which we have opened channels of collaboration, from which interesting new interactions with Municipalities, universities, experts, companies and publishing houses can arise.

“Mondo del Giardino” offers a wide variety of contents, divided into specific categories, which are also shared through a monthly newsletter and a rich and dynamic social activity: we are present on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube where we publish frequent updates dedicated to news, curiosities and debates, based on the specificity of each platform.



“Mondo del Giardino” was born in 2022 from an idea by Elena Paola Dal Zio, landscape architect and designer, graduated in Architecture, Industrial Design and Furniture:

“Thanks to the Garden Art exam I fell in love with this subject and decided to specialize by following the courses of the Agricultural School of the Monza Park, in particular on garden design, plant recognition and plant diseases. Over time, with my projects dedicated to greenery I have won various awards, but nothing gives me more satisfaction than taking care of this portal: I consider it a train that takes me to designers and authors, makes me visit gardens, events and conferences and every day gives me, and I hope also to those who read, knowledge and wonder”.



Michele Fabiano is alongside the founder:
“I love animals and nature very much. After having gained in-depth commercial experience in various structures in the sector, I have now finally managed to combine my skills and my passion in a single job. For those who wish to contact me, I am available for any request: segreteria@mondodelgiardino.com


Today mondodelgiardino.com is a green culture site divided into the categories Gardening, Botanical Sheets, Events, Italian Visitable Gardens, Books and Culture, TeleGiardino, Cinegiardino, Podcast, Showcase and Work Exchange.


Articles that discuss design methods, illustrating their complexity, feasibility and, when possible, costs. Customer trust must be earned: those who turn to a green professional, before contacting him, want to know well the type of work to be commissioned.

mondo-del-giardino camelie copertina


Do you have a camellia but don’t know how to take care of it? Are you a camellia enthusiast? Here is the right book.

mondo-del-giardino etichette

The Flowerbed in a Bag 2024

Are you looking for new flowerbeds to add to your garden or terrace? We have created six flowerbeds ready to plant.

The true gardener cultivates the soil

Gardener cultivates the land comes to us from the man who has restored and maintained historic gardens such as Boboli and Villa Medici.

Testament of a gardener

If there is a gardener you can trust, she is Gertrude Jekyll. In the article “Testament of a gardener” we talk to you about his legacy.

Loved balconies in winter

Wouldn’t you like to have a tidy, healthy and fun balcony? You don’t need much, but what you need is described in the article “Loved balconies in winter”.

A whirlpool in the garden

When we think of relaxation, among the first three images comes that of having a whirlpool in the garden. What if we really wanted to put it?

The biolake in the garden

Don’t you know the differences between a swimming pool and a biolake? Do you want to swim in perfect harmony with nature? Not convinced by traditional pools?

The pool in the garden

Have you been thinking about putting a pool in your garden for a while? In this article, we will help you choose the one that’s right for you.

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How to light up the garden

You have certainly asked yourself the problem of how to illuminate the garden. Solar energy or cables can be used.

Pruning plants in the garden: The Practice

Here we are at the final chapter on pruning plants in the garden. We set up the work, learned about pruning on 80 species and now let’s sum up!

Pruning plants in the garden: The Plants

In the previous article on pruning we understood that in order to prune we need to respect the plant and how do we do it?

Pruning plants in the garden: Theory

Does pruning make you put your hands in your hair? Indeed it seems to be quite a responsibility to the plant, to the neighbors and to yourself.

BOTANICAL SHEETS collect and organize the information available on the web, examined and completed by the expertise of the staff who thus create a complete, reliable sheet full of little-known and curious information with in-depth links to external sites and blogs.


Wild mint

Wild Mint Longifolia has always been known. This variety is found in nature and we can collect it in humid and fresh places.

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Ruta graveolens

It is said, but it is probably truer than true, that Ruta graveolens, the kitchen aromatic, makes internal and external sight more acute.

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Euphorbia milii

In nature, Euphorbia milii uses thorns not for defense but to attach itself and support itself to other trees. Did you know?

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Gingko biloba

Have you ever found yourself in a Gingko biloba avenue in autumn? It is a unique experience that fills your eyes and mind with luminous beauty.

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Crataegus monogyna

Il Crataegus monogyna, Hawthorn, even just from its name, evokes a splendid and well-known plant. Harry Potter has a Hawthorn wand.

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Lonicera caprifolium

“Lonicera caprifolium” is the most rustic on the market and in nature. Writers and poets cite it as synonymous with an enveloping embrace

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Cornus mas

Il Corniolo – Cornus mas – è un arbusto o piccolo albero che si trova nei giardini ma anche nei boschi come pianta spontanea.

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Taxus baccata

Recognizing Taxus baccata by passing is so easy! Dark green foliage and a dense, evergreen grain made up of very elegant needles.

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Oxalis acetosella

Do you have a small hoe? We suggest you go to the lawn under the house to collect the Oxalis acetosella to plant it on the balcony.

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Sedum is a battle plant! It resists frost, sun and, thanks to its habit, often low to the ground, even wind.

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Fraxinus excelsior

If you happen to walk in the woods, a Fraxinus excelsior walking stick may be useful to keep snakes away.

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Acer japonicum

If I ask you if you know Japanese Maple you all say yes. Maybe some of you have it in the garden or on the balcony and even complain that it doesn’t give you satisfaction.


An exhaustive list of the plant and flower market exhibitions set up in Italy, the events in which “Mondo del Giardino” participates and the events reported by users.

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The Flowerbed in a Bag 2024

Are you looking for new flowerbeds to add to your garden or terrace? We have created six flowerbeds ready to plant.

Autumn market exhibitions 2024

At the end of August we welcome you back with the list of the 2024 Autumn Market Exhibitions to start the second part of the year well.

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Spring Market Exhibitions 2024

This abstinence from Spring Market Exhibitions has been a long time coming but now it’s over. Here is the list of all the Italian ones divided by North, Center and South

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Flora et Decora 2023

We have just been to the “Flora et Decora” market exhibition of Milan City Life and we had a lot of fun!

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Autumn Market Exhibitions 2023

I know it seems early, but February will be over in no time and we want you to be ready for the spring season.

Sala Fiori e Piante Alzano L.do BG

Floreka 2023

We continue our tour of the market exhibitions arriving at Floreka which was held on 5 and 6 May in Ranica (BG).

Rocca Phlox divaricata

Flowers in the Fortress 2023

A garden and a library make man happy! This is what Senator Ugo Da Como writes on the walls in his home in the fortress where the “Flowers in the Fortress” market exhibition was held this Sunday.

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Spring Market Exhibitions 2023

I know it seems early, but February will be over in no time and we want you to be ready for the spring season.

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The cities of gardens

Grow together, il tema del meeting di quest’anno. Crescere insieme dov’è importante il rapporto tra l’essere umano e l’architettura.


The 3 days of FAI at the Masino Castle 2022

How long does the visit to the castle of Masino last? How much does it cost to visit the castle of Masino?

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Verde Grazzano 2022

What is Verde Grazzano? When and where does this event take place?

mondo-del-giardino mostre mercato 2022 copertina

Autumn market exhibitions 2022

We have tried to collect in one place all the 2022 autumn market exhibitions with the sale of plants and flowers present in Italy.


All the important information for visiting the historic gardens of Italy, with the aim of inspiring attentive, informed and aware visitors.


The complexity of the sector told through professions and trade associations, famous landscapers and curiosities about the world and history of greenery.


A selection of titles to help you make an informed choice. When possible, the authors themselves are consulted, who express their thoughts and their point of view.

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Do you have a camellia but don’t know how to take care of it? Are you a camellia enthusiast? Here is the right book.

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Robin’s Christmas

The Goodnight Christmas Story by Mondo del Giardino dedicated to all children, who are the future of the world.

The true gardener cultivates the soil

Gardener cultivates the land comes to us from the man who has restored and maintained historic gardens such as Boboli and Villa Medici.

Testament of a gardener

If there is a gardener you can trust, she is Gertrude Jekyll. In the article “Testament of a gardener” we talk to you about his legacy.

Nature mirrors us

When working with your hands in the earth it is nice to be silent, but also to talk because nature is a mirror of us.

Tales of an Orthotherapist

Planting a seed and seeing a living plant emerge. Maybe for an adult it’s not a miracle but for a child it is.

A spontaneous garden in Roero

With this project, Mondo del Giardino crosses a new threshold: narrating the works of contemporary Italian landscapers.

Paolo Pejrone

Italian landscapers: Paolo Pejrone

Who is Paolo Pejrone? Simply one of the greatest Italian garden architects. Someone who doesn’t pull it off. Someone who has always put his hands in the dirt, a curious, a free mind, a shy, a kind.

The Topiary Art

What is topiary art? Today it is the art of modeling the foliage of a plant in a geometric or anthropomorphic form.

Crime in the botanical garden

Who committed the Crime in the Botanical Garden? This must be discovered by the kids at the Bergamo Botanical Garden.

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What is AIAPP?

Does talking about green ever tire you? Do you want to associate with those who deal exclusively with land and landscape? Let’s find out what AIAPP is

The enemies of flowering and ornamental plants

Are we sure we are taking care of the plants in our garden in the best possible way? Do we always know where to find information about plants?

TeleGiardino or TGi

The world of greenery in video pills, organized into subcategories: “Build your garden”, “Your garden designed by us”, “Seminars”, “Interviews with Italian landscapers” and “Visits to gardens”.


The Calvenzano shared orchard

We discovered the Calvenzano Shared Orchard. An example of a beautiful, usable and inclusive public park.

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The Pallanca Exotic Garden

Take a visit to Villa Arconati with us: this virtual tour will encourage you to go there in person to get lost… and find yourself.

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Visit to Villa Arconati

Take a visit to Villa Arconati with us: this virtual tour will encourage you to go there in person to get lost… and find yourself.

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Interview with Paolo Belloni

Today we report the interview with Paolo Belloni, creator and curator of I Giardini di Pomona – the Botanical Conservatory in Cisternino, Brindisi.

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Interview with STUDIO GPT

We inaugurate a new category of the site with the interview with the GPT swimming pool and garden design studio.

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Therapeutic Horticolture and Wellbeing Seminar

Being in nature helps you feel better. Today we report the Therapeutic Horticolture and Wellbeing Seminar that tells about this world.

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Case 7 Esther’s garden

Another real case from your garden to spark your imagination and stimulate your intuitions. Case 7 Esther’s garden

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Urban greenery and climate change 2

We have already listened to Prof. Remorini in the first speech of the meeting URBAN GREEN: ARE YOU SURE IT IS ONLY GREEN? Now we continue with the second intervention of Dr. Bellocci

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Case 6 – Cinzia A.’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden. Case 6 – Cinzia A.’s garden

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Made Associati and Human Nature

Mondo del Giardino attended the International Landscape Meeting in Bergamo organized by the Arketipos Association and wants to tell you something

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Case 5 – Maria Grazia’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden. Case 5 – Maria Grazia’s garden

mondo-del-giardino giardini terapeutici chiostro

ACOSI Therapeutic Gardens

Very soon in Milan, during the national assembly of ACOSI we will talk about the Therapeutic Gardens of Italy. It’s worth going!


A collection of images of public gardens scattered throughout the various cities of Italy in the twentieth century. A look at the past, which stimulates the feeling, sweetens the memories and pushes us to face the future with new energy.


A series of film clips, showing wonderful gardens, which deserve to be watched focused.

Gardens of Green Card

Anyone who has seen Green Card will surely remember the winter garden of the New York apartment where Bronte Parrish lives

mondo-del-giardino cinegiardino erba di grace

Gardens of Saving Grace

Do you remember the gardens of “Saving Grace”? Grace tries to figure out how to pay the debts that her faithless and cheating husband left her.

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The gardens of Saving Grace.

The gardens of Practical magic. A film where the most magical and beautiful situations in the film take place in the garden.

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Gardens of Orlando

Orlando is a beautiful film thanks to poetic and careful direction and the magnificent gardens do their part.


Audible versions of articles, to listen to in the car, on vacation or during a break from work.

mondo-del-giardino garden lighting

Garden Lighting

In this podcast we read the article “The Lighting System in the Garden” published on this site in the GARDENING category.

mondo-del-giardino podcast il prato perfetto

The Perfect Lawn podcast

In this podcast we read the article “The Perfect Lawn” published on this site in the TIPS category.

mondo-del-giardino podcast un agronomo a parigi

An Agronomist in Paris

In this podcast we read the article “An Agronomist in Paris” published on this site in the CULTURE category.

mondo-del-giardino podcast il giardino degli equivoci

The garden of misunderstandings: counter history of the garden

In this podcast we read the article “The garden of misunderstandings: against the history of the garden” published on this site.

mondo-del-giardino podcast la potatura delle piante in giardino la pratica

Pruning plants in the garden: The Practice

In questo podcast leggiamo l’articolo “La potatura delle piante in giardino: La Pratica” pubblicato su questo sito.

mondo-del-giardino chi è l'aiapp

Who is the AIAPP?

In this podcast we read the article “Who is the AIAPP?” published on this site.

mondo-del-giardino podcast costruire un giardino

Building a garden in 10 points…maybe 11

Designing a garden can be simple, while building a garden can be labor intensive if you follow the right advice.


A database for professionals and companies in the green area, who want to make themselves visible to potential customers and start new collaborations: thanks to the incorporated Google map, it is possible to search by area, as well as by profession and specific skills.


A bulletin board where professionals and companies can independently upload job search and offer ads in the italian market.

All learning levels are valid, from the most frivolous – such as the Cinegiardino films – to the most committed – such as the Seminar – because they provide different paths to arriving at knowledge.

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