Vision, Mission and Program of Mondo del Giardino

Who is World of the Garden? How was it born? What are the plans for the future? On this page you can find out who the founder is, the mission and vision.


mondodelgiardino.com is a site entirely dedicated to culture and information in the field of landscape and greenery.

Today the information on greenery on the web is fragmented and sometimes conflicting. If you are looking for information of any kind you have to browse through thousands of sites, portals and blogs.

mondodelgiardino.com was born as a green culture portal where the visitor can find what he is always looking for. Do you want to learn more about a gardening topic? Know when a green demonstration will be held and where? Do you want to look for a professional? Do you want to ask a question? This is the place to find an answer.


mondodelgiardino.com wants to become, in the near future, the Italian digital place of reference for everything that happens in the world of greenery.

The time has come to create a digital place where people can find support, suggestions, events, professionals, companies

You enter to be redirected to whatever information or service you are looking for.


mondo-del-giardino elenaMy name is Elena Paola Dal Zio and I am a landscape architect and designer. I obtained a degree in architecture with a focus on Industrial Design and Furniture and out of pure love for garden design, specializing with courses from the Agricultural School of Monza Park and private structures when the University of Landscape did not yet exist.

I worked for a few years outside the world of design and this allowed me to learn about many aspects of my work including materials, design styles and organization of the work itself.

In the field of gardens I have won some awards and designed small and large gardens for private and public clients and RSAs for Alzheimer’s patients.


My name is Michele Fabiano. I love animals and nature very much. I gained commercial experience in various structures and now I have managed to bring together my skills and my passion in a single job.

If you wish to contact me, I am at your disposal for any request.


In recent times there has been a lot of talk about territory due to climate change. People are starting to become aware of the fact that their green space is part of a larger territory and to think in terms of respect for greenery. mondodelgiardino.com wants to facilitate this change of mentality by providing on the one hand high-level cultural information such as extracts from European congresses and documents or legislative information on greenery and on the other hand more productive and executive methodological suggestions for those who prefer to obtain practical level information.

All learning levels are valid because they provide a different path to arriving at knowledge.

Today mondodelgiardino.com is a green culture site divided into the categories Gardening, Botanical Sheets, Events and Books and Culture.

The GARDENING articles talk about design methods. Do you want to understand how a job is done? The articles in this section aim to inform you about the complexity, feasibility and costs, when possible, also directing you to the purchase of the necessary material in the case of do-it-yourself.

Botanical sheets News

Gingko biloba

Botanical sheets News

Crataegus monogyna

Botanical sheets News

Lonicera caprifolium

The BOTANICAL SHEETS of mondodelgiardino.com collect all the information available on plants better than the web currently allows. Even in this area, information on the web is fragmented and often contradictory. Here you will find a complete, reliable and full of additional information sheet that cannot be found on other sites.

Books and Culture Events News

The cities of gardens

As with the botanical sheets, the EVENTS articles, the information on the web is fragmented into dozens of incomplete sites. mondodelgiardino.com consults the lists, if all the information is not present, contact the organizers to obtain the missing data from the source. The data collected is divided into three Italian areas: North, Center and South and the PDF of each area is inserted in the articles for offline consultation which also allows you to click on the website of the individual event if you want to find out more.

Books and Culture Gardening News

Testament of a gardener

Gardening News

Loved balconies in winter

Gardening News

A whirlpool in the garden

The articles on BOOKS AND CULTURE deal with the most varied topics: from articles that explain the various professions or trade associations, which talk about famous landscape architects or even curiosities about the world and history of greenery. The Books are read and described. If possible, the authors are consulted, collecting their point of view and their thoughts on the book written or the publishing house.

mondodelgiardino.com is convinced, by existing, that it is making a contribution so that the culture of green sensitizes people to treat their own and shared plant assets better and with greater awareness, allowing us to live well on the planet.

Books and Culture Events News

The cities of gardens

Books and Culture Gardening News

Testament of a gardener

Books and Culture Events News

Urban greenery and climate change 2