Decide where to do what

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Decide where to do what

Hello and welcome to the fifth episode of the TGi, the TeleGiardino.

As we have already said and will say for the last time, Il TeleGiardino deals with organizational and planning issues related to greenery. In fact, there is a lot of practical advice on the internet – very useful – but little on the organization and design of work and outdoor space and we will try to fill this gap.

In this fifth episode we will have to decide where to do what.

What does where to do what mean? in the May 3 episode we defined that to design the garden one of the first things to do and decide what actions we want to take in it.

In the garden you can read, sleep, swim, eat, study, etc.

Each of the actions requires one zone.

Trivially, but to understand each other, if I want to eat I need a table and I can’t place the table on the grass. If I want to sunbathe, I need the sun. I can’t decide to sunbathe in a spot where it’s never there.

So let’s analyze some actions and see if, in positioning, we had already thought of everything.

On May 10th we made the video on how to evaluate the shaded and sunny areas.

So now you know what those areas are in your garden.

Let’s think, for example, of the actions that take place under the sun.

The sun is necessary if you want to sunbathe or garden and it may not be a nuisance when you play sports. If I have space to put a tennis, soccer or swimming field, if I can I place it on the North-South axis so that no one ever has the sun in their faces.

We are talking about a study, rest and reading corner. These actions require shade and to have it we could foresee a pergola, a gazebo or trees. In case trees are planted, however, a temporary structure will have to be provided because the trees will take at least 5 years to give significant shade.

For the area dedicated to eating, where the table and chairs will be placed, we recommend paving. The paved area will allow more actions if folding chairs and an extendable table are used.

We may want a closed or covered place to dedicate ourselves to the care of the garden, to shelter garden furniture or games, to be used as a changing room for the swimming pool or other. If we have to carry out more actions, we will think of a larger or more complex element.

We will place this building in a point of the garden that is not visible because it is of service.

If you have special situations to solve that you want to propose, we will be happy to evaluate them with you.

Thank you for following us and we hope we have been helpful. See you next Wednesday!

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to

image sources

thanks to Pixabay and in particular many thanks in order of appearance to Richard van Henegouwen, 172619, Petra, Esther Merbt, Nika Akin, toodlingstudio, StarFlames, Sofya Bobyk, Engin Akyurt, Yolanda Coervers, sosinda, Birgit, Philippe, Terri Cnudde, Reginal, marksontennis, marilynhanes, Engin Akyurt, Wolfgang Eckert, StockSnap, congerdesign, 1238761 e John Lee.

And follow us on youtube channel 

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