Evaluate the areas of shadow and light

mondo-del-giardino evaluate the areas shadow light

Attachments of the TGi

Video text

10/05/23 – evaluate areas of shadow and light

Mondo del giardino presents

evaluate areas of shadow and light

In the last video we talked

of what to do in the garden

The next step is to evaluate

Shaded and sunny areas.

Let’s take the plan of our garden

And let’s draw the trend of the sun

In this way

We will know which parts are to the north

And which ones to the south

In fact, certain plants don’t go north

And for others it’s too hot in the south

Plus what we want to do

It also depends on the presence or absence of the sun

In fact, you cannot sunbathe

In a shaded area

Or read in the sun

There will be parts of the garden

They get half a day of sunshine

And half a day in the shade

Even the choice of plants

It depends on these ratings

For areas that are always in the shade

There is a shade lawn

Also the shaded areas

They will get wet less

Thanks and see you next time!

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to info@mondodelgiardino.com

Image sources: thanks to Pixabay and in particular many thanks in order of appearance to Petra, marilynhanes, Mondfeuer, Birgit, Gábor Adonyi, OpenClipart-Vectors, Joaquin Aranoa, Pirkko Valtonen, Hannah, NiAKi, Pat, Yann LECOINTRE, Gabriela Piwowarska, Heiner, Mollyroselee, Lynn Greyling, Katja Kuitunen, endro lewa, ki won yoo, Andreas Wohlfahrt, rolledAnnaJoki, 2cristian prisecariu e Alexa.

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