Which style give to the garden

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21/06/23 – What style to give to the garden

Hello and welcome to the sixth episode of the TGi, the TeleGiardino.

The TeleGiardino deals with organizational and planning issues related to greenery.

In this sixth episode we will talk about which style to give to the garden.

Today we’re talking about another of those aspects that may seem obvious but aren’t at all.

What style should we give to our garden?

This is a question that can be asked several times while designing the outdoor space.

The concept of style can also evolve during the design process.

But whose style should it be?

It must belong to the landlord and if there are more than one, a common taste must be found.

It’s not easy, but if you can do it with home furniture, you can do it in the garden too.

It is not always immediate to recognize one’s own taste.

To understand this, we can look at home furnishings, browse magazines or get inspired on the internet.

If we fall in love with some image, then we have found the style we want to give to our garden.

Once the style has been defined, this will have to control all the choices made from that moment on.

If we have already done something in the garden or inserted some furniture, we will make sure that it corresponds or not to the style we have decided to give.

If the pre-entered items match our taste they remain.

If, on the other hand, we have understood, even over time, that we don’t like them, we find a way to change them (perhaps we sell them and buy something else).

And here’s another piece added to our planning.

Which is often more mental than physical work.

Thank you for following us and we hope we have been helpful. See you next Wednesday!

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to info@mondodelgiardino.com

Image sources: thanks to Pixabay and in particular many thanks in order of appearance to cristian prisecariu, Baptiste Heschung, Marzenna Gaines, Bossarte, Susanne Jutzeler Schweiz, Ray Miller, Mirko Fabian, net workerz, simone saponetto, Elisa Way, Nikki Dawson, didier aires, 피어나네, Jill Wellington, Michael Drummond, Angie Toh, Varun Kulkarni.

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