What is AIAPP? How was it born and what does it do?
The acronym AIAPP stands for Italian Association of Landscape Architecture.
What is AIAPP? It was founded in 1950 by Pietro Porcinai and Elena Luzzato and made up of “[…] professionals, scholars and students committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing the landscape, through planning, research, training and scientific-cultural information and professional update. […]” (from the PRESENTATION of the association).
Pietro Porcinai and Elena Luzzato felt the need to have a group of qualified and united people in Italy who would take care of greenery and gardens in an organized way.
Who welcomes the Italian Association of Landscape Architecture? How do you join the AIAPP?
Green professionals come from many worlds: from art school, from working in a bank, many have come from gardening, etc.
The association welcomes “[…] the complexity of the activity of AIAPP members who are significantly, in many cases, also active at an architectural, sustainability and ecological, legislative and regulatory, journalistic and communication level etc. […]” creating a complete and exhaustive pool of figures capable of managing the territory in all its complexity.
The Landscape Council of Europe
In fact, as Maguelonne Dejeant Pons of the Council of Europe for Landscape says:
“[…] You don’t need to standardize and you must have a qualitatively high goal and this is important when thinking about the future because it won’t be possible to do it in a short time. We need to have a vision of the territory for the future.
The Convention (of Europe) also spoke about the quality of life and the word quality is for the landscape and for the life of the person. We must always remember that the person lives in a territory and has to do with his health otherwise the arguments made do not work.
[…]The other important issue is that you need professions. And what are the professions directly or indirectly linked to the landscape? Because there are so many. Land use planners, urban planners, road and bridge engineers, landscape architects, architects, farmers, foresters, horticulturists, geographers, historians, geologists, climatologists, environmentalists, ecologists, lawyers, economists, sociologists, cultural and heritage specialists, and areas such as gastronomy and health, this list is endless.
There is not just one discipline that must work on the landscape: it is a joint project of professions working on the topic and each profession has a responsibility towards the topic. A profession that has the word landscape in its title is landscape architect.”
(if you are interested in his complete speech you can read the article “Masters of Landscape – Université d’Eté – Dejeant-Pons and Porcari” on which you will also find the EUROPEAN LANDSCAPE CONVENTION).
Who can join the Association? What do we talk about in AIAPP?
AIAPP is a non-profit association which is entered on merit and therefore undertakes to represent, in the world of greenery, a quality brand for the registered professional. Indeed
“[…] holders of a Degree in Landscape Architecture (belonging to the disciplinary areas of Architecture, Engineering, Forestry Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, Territorial and Environmental Sciences), who can demonstrate possession of a set of professional, training, cultural, scientific, educational requirements, analyzed as a whole through the evaluation form, which determines the achievement of a minimum and mandatory threshold of the aforementioned requirements in line with the IFLA indications on the discipline of Landscape Architecture. […]”
can become partners.
What is AIAPP: a point of reference: Today there are more than 600 members!
Still more than seventy years after its birth, this association represents a beacon of reference also linked to the IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects) and its European section – IFLA Europe for those who wish to stay informed of the evolution of this matter for passion or profession.
Just think that, in order to be more and more on the side of the planet and man, for some time now, even the reference bank to which membership fees are paid has been chosen Ethics and that is
“[…] works to put finance at the service of people, to build a just and inclusive society. It chooses to direct financial flows towards the real economy with a positive impact, excluding from financing weapons, fossil fuels, intensive farming, gambling and all activities it deems harmful to people and the planet.”
The AIAPP sections: Is the Association distributed throughout the Italian territory?
Certainly the association is national and therefore has offices throughout Italy, divided into 9 sections made up of Members, Scholars and Students, so you can easily contact one of these for all the information you wish to give and receive.
What is AIAPP: Is the Association only physically present in the area or is AIAPP also digital?
If a person is always overworked they want to watch something digitally!
Don’t worry!! AIAPP has also thought of this with WEBINARS, i.e. annual 3-day meetings brought digitally.
You will be able to find 9 of them (3 webinars relating to the three days of the congress for three years) on Youtube at this address AIAPP Web TV together with other very interesting material to follow in moments of rest from work.
Periodic AIAPP meetings organized for members in the area
By subscribing to the association you will be able to participate in two assemblies a year: June and October hosted in various Italian cities (an excellent excuse to take a few days off to devote to listening and visits)
AIAPP bonus available to everyone: The “Landscape Architecture” magazine
An added value of the subscription is the six-monthly magazine of the ARCHITETTURA DEL PAESAGGIO association founded in 1998 by Alessandro Tagliolini and today directed by Anna Lambertini in which you will find four significant sections: Readings, Projects, Tools and Columns.
The magazine is available even if you are not a member of the association and can be found at this link “ARCHITETTURA DEL PAESAGGIO“.
What is AIAPP: promoter of meetings on Landscape and Territory: The 2023 events
The events that AIAPP reports on its website are certainly very interesting to follow. In particular, we point out the International Congress of IFLA Europe on 12-15 October in Naples on Lost Landscapes where we will talk about how everyone can and must become a GAME-CHANGER of climate change.
We also point out the series of meetings entitled “Città, territori e paesaggi in trasformazione (Cities, territories and landscapes in transformation)” that are being held in Bari. Some have already taken place, the next ones can be consulted at the link Bari – Città, territori e paesaggi in trasformazione
The mondo del giardino advice
Propose your candidacy to AIAPP because being able to display the AIAPP logo on your business card is synonymous with quality, seriousness and skill.
mondodelgiardino.com will work to ensure that this added value is even more known by the public.
Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!
GOOD WORK and … if you have any questions please write to info@mondodelgiardino.com
Images feed the mind and heart with beauty. We thank AIAPP and Landscape Architect Marco Minari for the information kindly provided as well as Pixabay for the photos and in particular thanks to Mikes-Photography for the cover, Marzenna Gaines for the terrace from above, JamesDeMers for the bridge, Benjamin Balazs for the birdhouse, Jill Wellington for herbal tea on the trunk and the path between the tulips and Jaesung An for the waterfalls.