The enemies of flowering and ornamental plants


A book on the enemies of plants is always useful for knowing how to take care of our garden or our balcony

Today we will tell you about some interesting books that cannot be missing in the library of every plant, flower and gardening enthusiast and as always we will answer those questions that may come to mind when we take care of our garden, terrace or balcony.

How many times they look at one of our plants have we seen some little animals or strange spots on the leaves? Probably more than once. And surely we asked ourselves:

What harms the plants in my garden? What kind of pests are infesting my plants? and above all, how do I get rid of it?


Why buy a book on plant diseases?

On the internet we can find a multitude of information, often there are so many that we end up having more questions than answers. That’s why now we explain to you why it’s always better to have a good book that deals in depth with plant diseases and enemies.

The first book we’ll be discussing this week is no longer on the market. So why mention it? For many reasons.

The first is that even if it is no longer published, it can be found used and purchasable on the internet. Another reason is that perhaps another of the same type – and we will name a few later – can replace this one well.

Finally, we trust that the information we give you about this book today will help you buy an equally good one tomorrow.

Anyone who has a garden or takes care of a green space must have a book on plant diseases!

In fact, the book still allows you today, despite the internet, to have reliable and professional information on the parasite on duty and indicates which active ingredient to buy to eradicate it.


What is an active ingredient?

“In  chemistry, the term  active principle  indicates a  substance  that performs biological/chemical/physical functions, including all substances that perform a specific activity in the formulation” (

In practice it is the main substance of a preparation (it also applies to drugs) regardless of the brand. This allows you to choose the brand you prefer or which costs less for the same active ingredient.



It’s not a book of stories, it doesn’t read like a novel, but it can be consulted like a handbook in times of need

In summary, it is very technical and scientifically organized to allow targeted research.



How are plant diseases divided? What are the main plant pests?

After having explained the composition of the book and how it is consulted, he proceeds with the description of each type of disease

from non-parasitic ones such as fungi and bacteria to those given by climatic or physiological situations.

Then come the insects and other parasites, including mammals and finally the disinfection of greenhouses and bulbs.



Plant enemies broken down by plant: An alphabetical list

For ease of research, there is an alphabetical list of plants at the end of the book. In fact, often a type of plant is relapsed on some diseases.



Enemies of Plants and the fight: How do you fight plant pests?

You will notice, in the images that we have inserted, that for each disease “the fight” is indicated – once the damage has been created – or “the defense” – therefore preventive.

In some cases, in fact, it is possible to intervene, in some others not if not by eliminating the plant so as not to infect the others. Fortunately, more often than not a disease can be cured.



Enemies of Plants: The explanatory drawings 

The book is also accompanied by many drawings showing the affected part, the damage and – if possible – the person responsible for the damage and perhaps in the different stages of life.


What are the books today that can be useful to better take care of the plants in our garden?

La difesa sostenibile nell’orto e nel giardino

As times have changed, approaches have also changed, therefore we recommend “LA DIFESA SOSTENIBILE NELL’ORTO E NEL GIARDINO” (Edagricole) which talks about the biological methods for fighting a disease. In this way, whether you are in the city with neighbors or in the countryside with children or animals, you can eradicate plant diseases without harming any living being.

If you want to read an excerpt from the book, you can find it here:



La difesa delle piante ornamentali

If, on the other hand, you want a complete, exhaustive, clear and photographic and detailed atlas of plant diseases, you must buy “LA DIFESA DELLE PIANTE ORNAMENTALI” (Edagricole). It seems to be a must in a nurseryman’s library. In more than 500 pages it shows, describes and tells everything bad that can attack a plant with many color photos.

If you want to read an excerpt from the book, you can find it here:


Atlante illustrato delle malattie delle piante legnose

Another affordable reference book, 60 Tree and Shrub Species and their Diseases with many color photos is the “ATLANTE ILLUSTRATO DELLE MALATTIE DELLE PIANTE LEGNOSE” (Ricca Editore).



The mondo del giardino advice

If you want more advice on plant enemies you can also consult the article “OLD WIVES’ LORE FOR GARDENERS

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and … if you have any questions please write to

Image sources: thanks to Pixabay and in particular Markus Distelrath for the yellow rose, Jurgen for the aphid, Andreas for the spider mite on pink; No name_13 for burnt leaf, CZESS for caterpillars; Myriams-Fotos for all ladybugs; Edagricole and Ricca Editore for the covers.

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