How to build a pool in the garden? Which type of pool to choose?
We can include an above ground pool, an in-ground pool or bio-pool, or finally a hydromassage mini-pool. How much choice!
Since the subject is complex, we have decided to address it in three different articles in order to be able to deepen each type of pool properly.
In this first of three articles (Biopool in the garden e the hydromassage in the garden) we will talk about classic swimming pools by addressing the law, times and costs.
In the next article we will talk about bio-pools in the same way and in the third article we will close the circle by talking about above ground pools and outdoor whirlpool mini-pools.
Let’s immediately clarify one point: the price. One of the first factors to consider when you want to put a pool in your garden is certainly the budget that we can and want to invest in this project. So:
How much does it cost to put a pool in the garden?
The cost depends on various factors, but above all on the type of pool we choose. Do we want an in-ground or above-ground pool? A bio lake or a whirlpool? Economically they are four completely different prices!
But let’s go in order.
Let’s start by talking about the law: When does the swimming pool become a luxury good?
The law, which in this case speaks through the Revenue Agency, says that to build a pool you need to ask for the building permit.
From here we could already deduce that to build the pool you must rely on someone who will follow the preparation and delivery of the documents necessary for approval to the public offices.
The pool, from what we understand, can also be used alone (i.e. not in conjunction with other values), if larger than 80 m2. it can cause the property to be classified as category A/1 (Elegant property) and therefore lead to an increase in taxes.
So what are the dimensions of the pool?
Usually the standard dimensions of the pools purchased range from 4 x 8 meters. (32 sq m) to 7.5 x 15 (112.5 sq m) and within this range are many sizes. For example, it is enough to stay at most on 6 x 12 (72 m2) which is not small.
We also specify that the law does not speak of cubic meters, therefore the depth is at your convenience: 1.00 meters. if you want to have fun and 1.20 for swimming and 2.40 meters. if you want to dive.
Obviously the deeper the pool, the more it costs.
Are there any tax breaks for the construction of pools?
If your property should be recognized as “luxury” (for the cadastre therefore belonging to categories A/1, A/8 and A/9) it will not be able to take advantage of the tax breaks that are usually given for the purchase of the first house.
If, on the other hand, your property does not fall into this category, you can take advantage of the discounts in force at the time for the purchase and installation of the swimming pool.
However, we advise you to contact the municipal technical office or visit the website of the Revenue Agency to get the exact answers when you ask them.
Request permission to put the pool in the garden
The swimming pool constitutes a new construction subject to the building permit. And in fact it is an artifact with autonomous urban planning relevance which cannot constitute relevance as it involves a lasting transformation of the territory.
The swimming pool, in fact, integrates the details of the new construction, as it gives rise to a building structure that “invasively” affects the site of its location and therefore requires the prior release of the appropriate title ad aedificandum, constituted by the building permit. ( TAR Lombardia-Brescia 24/10/2022, n. 993) therefore the swimming pool if attached to a private property (and not to a sports facility) is not stacked like C/4, but is precisely one with the house. (
What about distances from property lines?
Completely underground building volumes are excluded from the legal distance regime, even though they qualify as construction, as the ratio of the distances between buildings is aimed at avoiding the formation of cavities harmful to hygiene and health, affecting lighting and ventilation.
Now that we know everything about the legal issue and we can move on to the next point.
Where to put the tub? Do you need a landscaper or an architect for the construction of the pool?
Do you want to find the pool made without managing trouble? Yes, you need it. The professional knows the laws and knows the design: two aspects that you don’t have and that you need.
The professional will take care of everything:
- will check that there are no constraints on the project area (landscape, etc.);
- she/he will talk to you about what you want and with you he will choose the right position for the pool in the garden and where to place the system;
- she/he will take care of the preparation of the documents (drawings, any tax relief), and the management of the construction site
- for excavations;
- for the assembly of the pool;
- for the construction of the pavement and the paths (three different companies);
- the arrangement of the garden after the works;
- and everything that can go wrong between the beginning and the end. Not a little to be calm!
Designing the pool in the garden: What aspects should be considered?
When designing the position of the pool in the garden, make sure that you have thought of all the dynamics of movement from and to the pool towards the house and towards any other places: entrance to the garden from the street, route from the pool to the changing room/shelter deckchairs/shower, garage.
The reason we have to evaluate paths is to decide the pavement. In fact, it is not convenient to arrive at the pool and leave on the lawn. It is better to think of a paved area and predefined routes. However these works, although planned beforehand, will have to be built later, because an excavator may be needed for the excavations and this could break the paving made.
The construction times of the swimming pool: from the fleeting thought to the first swim
How long does it take to build a pool?
Let’s say that after thinking about it for one or a few years you decide to do it. From today to the first swim, 2/3 months will pass if at the end of winter and perhaps more if at the beginning of winter. In fact, the frozen ground and the rains could slow down the work and for the times of the municipal offices, never certain.
The actual assembly takes a week / 10 days.
How much does an inground pool cost?
Speaking of a standard-shaped in-ground pool, you won’t spend less than 1000 Euros/square metre.
Costs will then go up if you want a custom-shaped pool. However, to give you some clear costs, here are some examples:
Inground pool in sheet steel From 16,800 to 23,000€ (the most popular today)
Inground pool in fiberglass From €26,000 to €34,000
Inground pool in steel panels From €25,000 to €32,000
Inground pool in polystyrene formworks From 29.500 to 36.500€
Inground pool in reinforced concrete From €26,500 to €36,500
In these items, excavation has an influence of 10/12,000, so by equipping yourself with a hired worker and excavator, you could reduce the cost of excavation.
Cost items to predict:
- construction work
- coating
- pool facility
- lights
- surrounding pavement
- coverage
- 50% Irpef deduction for renovations and new buildings
- consumption and maintenance.
The annual maintenance costs for a classic swimming pool range from 2,500 to 4,500 euros.
The mondo del giardino advice
If you’ve hired a landscaper, you could fix the dirt you’ve pulled from the hole in the garden by creating earthworks. The earthworks are hills and depressions which, artfully positioned, avoid you having to go and throw the earth in the landfill (with high transport costs).
Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!
GOOD WORK and … if you have any questions please write to
image sources
thanks to Pixabay and in particular Giovanni Gargiulo for the social photo, Nicholas Demetriades for the cover photo, Kees Kortmulder for the Moroccan swimming pool, Raj Sharma for the swimming pool with hydromassage, Akyurt for the swimming pool with parasol, AgE Global Group for the swimming pool with the palms.