What can you see from inside the house

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What can you see from inside the house?

Hello and welcome to the fifth episode of the TGi, the TeleGiardino.

The TeleGiardino deals with organizational and planning issues related to greenery.

In this fifth episode we will talk about what can be seen from inside the house.

What exactly does it mean what can be seen from inside the house? We are working on the design of our garden.

In the previous videos we have explored some aspects that will allow us to decide how to organize green spaces.

Today we will deal with which parts of the garden I see from inside the house.

In fact, you only spend a few hours of your time in the garden. Much more is at home.

When we bought a house with a garden we certainly also did it for the pleasure of seeing the garden from inside the house because this makes us feel good.

We therefore try to enhance the points that we see from within.

Try taking a walk inside the house paying attention to what you see outside.

If you have been good, you have already evaluated this and acted accordingly.

If, on the other hand, you have not given importance to it today, you can focus on it.

Let’s say that looking through a French window you see that there is nothing outside but lawn and a hedge because the flowerbed has been inserted elsewhere.

Or from the window you only see the green wall of the hedge or worse, an ugly view out of the garden.

Your garden will probably only be enjoyed from the outside and not from the inside.

So now we have to make a mental effort thinking about what we would like to see outside.

It could be a flower bed, a sculpture, a tree or a seat that invites us to go out.

In short, we must insert an accent!

If, on the other hand, you see something you don’t like, you’ll have to remove or change it.

Thank you for following us and we hope we have been useful to you. See you next Wednesday!

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to info@mondodelgiardino.com

Image sources: thanks to Pixabay and in particular many thanks in order of appearance to Katrina Garcia, Elisa, Kerstin Riemer, Paul Bates, Manfred Antranias Zimmer, marikuke, erge, Svetlana Mikhailova, Izabela Rutkowska, Dante Candal, -Heinz Ebner, mh-grafik, Steffen Wachsmuth, Barbara Evening, Kai Miano, Quyen Luong e Kerstin Riemer.

And follow us on youtube channel 

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