Views to cover or enhance

mondo-del-giardino the views to cover or enhance

Attachments of the TGi

Video text

Views to cover or enhance

Hello and welcome to the fourth episode of the TGi, the TeleGiardino.

The TeleGarden will deal with organizational and planning issues related to greenery. In fact, on the internet there are many practical tips – very useful – but few on the organization and design of the works and the outdoor space and we will try to fill this void.

In this fourth installment we will talk about views.

What are views? They are both those that we have towards the garden and those that are beyond the garden.

In fact, the garden is not surrounded by nothing, but has an environment that can be beautiful as a background or even be unwanted.

Let’s start from what we see in the garden. Views are also often referred to as “vanishing points”. It’s basically what we see looking towards a point.

Once again the first important thing is observation. Then we have to sit in the garden and watch.

In this specific case we will probably have to place the chair in several places in the garden.

Surely one of the places to sit is at the entrance to the garden. If there is a path that comes to a point also at the end of the path.

While you are observing, from those points also pay attention to what can be seen outside the garden. If there are things you don’t want to see, you have to come up with something to cover that part.

This element I am talking about can be a plant, and then you will have to choose it according to your tastes, but also according to your needs, or an artificial element: a sculpture, an architectural element such as a wall or as a room divider.

An important consideration is that if you can’t put anything in the path, you can draw the eye to another spot in the garden. Distraction from the bad thing works just as well.

If, on the other hand, there are parts of the garden that you don’t want to see from the outside, then you have to insert an element that blocks the view in that trajectory.

And remember that problems generate original solutions!

Thank you for following us and we hope we have been helpful. See you next Wednesday!

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to

FSources of images: thanks to for the hedge in shape, for the hedge with the tallest element, for the door and for the hedge with statue.

And follow us on youtube channel 

mondo-del-giardino planimetria del giardino