Case 7 Esther’s garden

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Case 7 Esther’s garden

Good morning and welcome to the seventh case of a royal garden for the telegiardino news column.

As you know, we deal with real situations in which we study your gardens in order to give you suggestions and inspiration and then design it with the help of a landscape designer, a garden designer or a trained gardener.

Let’s start by studying the floor plan with a view of Google Maps that shows us the property from above.

The property was larger than we will consider. Part of the garden has also been removed and we will take care of the one you can see marked in black.

Part of it is concreted from the corner of the house north towards the garage and instead in front of this gravel area.

Let’s consider the rotation of the sun. As you can see, Mrs. Ester gave us an indication of where the north is and therefore where the east is and where the west is and therefore we will have the sun in the morning on the right side and the sun in the afternoon on the left side.

The requests and needs reported by Mrs. Ester are many but as always they are basic for the project.

What you see at the bottom is the entrance to the car. Then the car will have to take this route to get to the garage so there is a gravel protection area that must be maintained.

The lady asks that this area, which is now gravel, be resized to be able to enjoy the greenery a little more.

As you already know, to proceed with the study of this garden we base ourselves on the points that we have defined in the category and on the remote garden page on If we go and see we start from video number one “how to make a garden plan”.

In this specific case we do not deal with this first point because it is what you will have to follow to design the plan of your garden.

We will start with the definition of point 2 “What to do in the garden“.

Ester asks us for a small vegetable garden of 10 – 12 m2;

being able to play with her 3 month old granddaughter and the dog, therefore having a lawn area;

be surrounded by a timeless garden, therefore in English style, which allows you to enjoy rest and relaxation;

manage the privacy of the garden from upstairs so that there are areas in the garden not seen from upstairs;

she would also like a small shed for tools and a service space for the vegetable garden where she can put the things he needs and a space dedicated to the dustbin.

Let’s note another thing, you can see in the drawing that there are already plants inserted in the garden: an olive tree, two fig trees, a jujube tree, a medlar tree, a philadelphus and an oleander.

One of Ester’s requests is that there be no plants on the border with the other property on the right that could send leaves onto the neighboring property.

Many constraints in this project.

Ester tells us that we can also move the plants but as you know the plants suffer when they are moved so we will try to keep them in the same position.

We can begin to define the gravel area that will be removed to make room for the lawn, after which we will have to follow a path from the entrance door without too many curves, otherwise one will get bored of reaching the end of the path, until reaching the gravel. Here you will be able to decide how you want to proceed, whether you want to cement, whether you want to use gneiss, etc.

Perhaps in this case it is better to take a single cemented and clean route because if you want to carry the shopping, if you want to carry the stroller and other things you need a route structured in a certain way.

So we get three areas after which towards the garage we always have this long and narrow band of greenery, which we can take into consideration once we understand what to do in the garden.

Let’s move on to “Evaluate the areas of shadow and light“.

In theory there is nothing to protect the garden from the sun in practice however along the right border Mrs Ester has put a shade cloth on the fence so this gives a little shade in the morning to the part of the greenery immediately close to the fence after which for the rest of the day the lawn will be entirely in the sun except for the presence of trees that provide shade.

views to cover or enhance point 4

Let’s study the property with the video sent to us by Ester. This one on the left that you see is the border line. The lawn is not included. You see that there is nothing around to cover. It’s a very clean open view.

You can see the plants already present and two figs. The lawn is one of two to be designed, so to speak. Here there are some plants, a Philadelphus – I’ll stop for a moment – a Philadelphus according to what Ester says, a Nespolo, behind it an Oleander and something else. An olive tree, which however does not appear to be in good condition.

Outside there is some traffic but it doesn’t bother the property.

Let’s move on to point 5 “Decide where to do what

In this type of garden, where there are more green areas, you can make more choices so the hypothesis we are making now is one of the possible ones but we still feel like making some general considerations regarding the areas.

The first thing we can do is that since the entrance is at this point and the outside dining area is at this point, these two green areas in front, one and two, can be considered the representative areas of the house, therefore for example the areas of relaxation of game of insertion of the vegetable garden cannot be these.

In these areas there will be a lawn and in case there will be flowerbed areas which can have the shape the owner desires and which can contain the perennial herbaceous plants that the owner desired.

First of all, I would like to point out that the two fig trees were moved to the south so as not to disturb the vegetable garden, so as not to create shade on the vegetable garden, while all the other plants were left where they were.

Here we are at the design of the large green area corresponding to the path that reaches the house.

We have created a path that reaches the vegetable garden that crosses this green area that we have left as a lawn with flowerbeds running along the border of the flowerbeds that follow the path creating an area dedicated to a seat with a table and that lead to a fence that it leads into the vegetable garden and also reaches the first of the two small sheds, one for the tools and one inside the fence for the vegetable garden.

This is the vegetable garden, larger than the one requested, but will then be sized according to what the owner wants with a path that reaches the dustbin area.

The dustbin area

it was inserted near the entrance so that the dustbin could be taken outside when needed and it was isolated from the rest of the garden by a hedge. This hedge was placed in this direction to provide as little shade as possible to the vegetable garden and to cover and shield it from the view from the house.

Compost can also be made in this area. Here there is a gate that leads from the vegetable garden to the dustbin area and there is also a path that reaches this area instead of the garden which will be the secret garden.

The secret garden will have a seating area and will have English flowerbeds as requested and desired. It will probably be a garden that is a little in the shade and therefore essences that are a little more shady will have to be chosen while the other areas where there are flowerbeds are in full sun so essences for full sun can be chosen.

You can also place a bench here to enjoy playing on the lawn with the little girl and the dog.

This is our idea of ​​how to manage this space.

The irrigation system

We suggest that the irrigation system for the garden be made to measure first for this type of design or for the type of design that will be chosen and because doing it afterwards means throwing away everything to the area: both the paths and the plants and the sheds, both the benches and everything.

First of all, the irrigation system must be made which can then not be used and can only be used in case of drought or necessity, but it is an investment that must be made to then preserve all the work and all the costs that will be faced for the creation of the garden.

We thank you and wish you a good week and a good evening until next time.

We hope you enjoyed seeing it and found it useful.

Now on horseback! Work awaits us! Our new wonderful outdoor space is about to be born!

GOOD WORK and… if you have any questions, write to

Image sources: thanks to Cinzia for the photos, the video and the plan of her garden.

And follow us on youtube channel

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