Design and Planning

Welcome to Design and Planning

Mondo del Giardino was created to increase trust between green professionals and customers and the interchange of work and knowledge between professionals. You can find our VISION here.

On the internet you can find little advice on theory. Design and Planning deals with green issues of an organisational and design nature. On the internet you can find a lot of practical advice, but little on the theory of work and outdoor space, and we will try to fill this gap.

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Build your garden

Here you will find articles related to the category “Build your garden”.

How choose pavement in the garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino of Mondo del Giardino we want to understand how to pave the garden. Watch it now!

Which style give to the garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino of Mondo del Giardino we want to understand what style to give to the garden. Watch it now!

What can you see from inside the house

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino by Mondo del Giardino we will focus on what can be seen from inside the garden house.

Decide where to do what

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino of Mondo del Giardino we will decide the zones to assign to each action we want to perform in the garden. Watch it now!

Views to cover or enhance

In this video from TGi: Mondo del Giardino’s TeleGiardino We will consider any bad and good views outside the garden. Watch it now!

Evaluate the areas of shadow and light

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino of Mondo del Giardino we will study the position of the sun to understand which are the areas of shadow and light. Watch it now!

Decide what to do in the garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino of Mondo del Giardino we have to decide what to do in the garden. Watch it now!

How to make the plan of the garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino by Mondo del Giardino we discover how to make the plan of the garden. Watch it now!

Your garden designed by us

Here you will find articles related to the category “Your garden designed by us”.

mondo-del-giardino case 7 ester's garden

Case 7 Esther’s garden

Another real case from your garden to spark your imagination and stimulate your intuitions. Case 7 Esther’s garden

mondo-del-giardino cinzia a.'s garden

Case 6 – Cinzia A.’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden. Case 6 – Cinzia A.’s garden

mondo-del-giardino case 5 maria grazia's garden

Case 5 – Maria Grazia’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden. Case 5 – Maria Grazia’s garden

mondo-del-giardino case 4 cinzia's garden

Case 4 – Cinzia’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden. Case 4 – Cinzia’s garden

mondo-del-giardino case 3 alessandra's garden

Case 3 – Alessandra’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino we will apply the principles explained in the project approach videos to a real garden.

mondo-del-giardino case 2 giovanni's garden

Case 2 – Giovanni’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino by Mondo del Giardino we will apply the principles explained in the previous videos to a real garden.


Case 1 – Simona’s garden

In this video from TGi: Il TeleGiardino by Mondo del Giardino we will apply the principles explained in the previous videos to a real garden.

Interviews with Italian Landscape Architects

Here you will find articles related to the category “Interviews with Italian Landscape Architects”.

mondo-del-giardino intervista a paolo belloni

Interview with Paolo Belloni

Today we report the interview with Paolo Belloni, creator and curator of I Giardini di Pomona – the Botanical Conservatory in Cisternino, Brindisi.

mondo-del-giardino intervista allo studio gpt

Interview with STUDIO GPT

We inaugurate a new category of the site with the interview with the GPT swimming pool and garden design studio.

Garden Visits

Here you will find articles related to the category “Garden Visits”.

mondo-del-giardino giardino esotico pallanca

The Pallanca Exotic Garden

Take a visit to Villa Arconati with us: this virtual tour will encourage you to go there in person to get lost… and find yourself.

mondo-del-giardino visita a villa arconati

Visit to Villa Arconati

Take a visit to Villa Arconati with us: this virtual tour will encourage you to go there in person to get lost… and find yourself.

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